Little did I know when I posted Manage This, that two weeks later I would be unemployed. At least partially due to the stresses I noted from having to wear two different hats. Understandably upset at first, I quickly started to look at this as not a door being shut, but as a door being opened. As Romans 8:28 states, "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.". Over the last few years at Northrop Grumman as a Unix Systems Administrator for the USPS, I felt that my talents were being squandered. I believed that as I remained, I would fall behind on new and exciting technologies. You see, the work at USPS was divided into different teams. Most of the Unix Admins were there to support various applications. But the team that got to learn, test, and implement new and emerging technologies was based out of a data center in Eagan, MN. Here in San Mateo, the Unix Admins were somewhat subservient to the teams in Eagan. We may have used new technologies, but usually only following procedures and policies set by the groups in the Minnesota office. Yes, there was exposure to new tech. But not a large amount of opportunity to experiment and learn. Staying there, I left that technology was going to pass me by and that the only avenue of growth was the managerial ladder. But I like the trenches, I like the technical challenges and solving puzzles.
So here I am, enjoying some time off. Heck, I'm somewhat mildly annoyed that I already have some irons in the fire with a couple of cool opportunities. My phone and email has absolutely lit up the last couple days after updating my profile on two of the well known job sites. But they will have to wait. My sister celebrates a milestone birthday this Friday, and I am heading out of town to help her celebrate. I'm taking a road trip to meet up with her, my niece, and a couple other people. It's been some time since I had the Challenger on a nice long ride, and I'm sure she'll appreciate the chance to stretch her legs here and there on my drive tomorrow. Funny, that reminds me of a little song Don Imus used to play on AM radio back in the day, I think it was called Plastic Jesus.
The last week was just a minor setback, a small bump in the road. As for my time with Northrop Grumman and the USPS, all things must pass.