Sunday, November 14, 2010

Lost in thought

Or perhaps not lost in thought. I realized it's been almost a month since last posting, and I have thought about writing something a few times in the last couple weeks. Is it I have too many ideas floating about my head, or none? Whatever the case, I figured I should post something.

Let me start with a shout out to John Force, who at 61 years old won his 15th NHRA Funny Car Championship. He also won this weekend's race to sweeten the victory. At 61, he is the oldest person to win a championship in motorsports. Good on him! Coincidentally, the ProStock Motorcycle Championship was won by a rookie, LE Tonglet, the youngest to win a major motorsports championship. See for more details.

I have a feeling this will be slow week at the office. I head to visit my dad for Thanksgiving this Saturday, and maybe even get some time in to visit with my daughter and her mom for a day or two. A few things need to be taken care of at work. It's time for annual review process to start, and I have to work in the performance evaluations for my team. One member needs to travel after the Thanksgiving holiday, and as a manager I never went through the process and I'm not even sure what it is. Of course, when I asked my manager last week I didn't receive a response. Yet another example of why I really don't like working for the man. That's on top of the billable work I need to get done for the customer, aka the USPS.

Seeing dad and my daughter will be good, and I look forward to spending time with family. I do need to plan another trip where I just go down to visit with Reagan. There's a dance recital thing in June, but I definitely would like to visit again before then.

I'm still stoked with the SRT8. Definitely a fun machine to drive. It may be having the affect that I am wanting to get off my lazy butt and get the Triumph Chop and my '89 Springer back on the road. But that makes me think of something else, and that is why can't people frigging park correctly?! I usually back into the left hand spot of a two spot slot outside my apartment, and close to the curb as possible. I'm maybe 4 to 6 inches at the most from the curb, leaving a nice space between my passenger side and the white line. However, it seems the neighbor that usually parks in the other spot doesn't know how to f___ing drive! Seems they always pull into the spot and are usually right on top of the line or even over it! WTF! Really, not just once in a while, but it seems that almost every time. I think that one can tell a few things from this. 1: That they really don't know how to park since they are almost never in the spot correctly. 2: They must think they have more important things to do, since they don't take the time to adjust the position of the vehicle once they pull in. 3: They are inconsiderate, not caring that although their neighbor takes the care to leave a nice amount of space between cars (they have a young toddler and need to put the kid and car seat in their vehicle), they seem not to care how much room they leave between the parked cars. As you can see, it's sort of a pet peeve of mine. Even with my old Durango, I took the time to park carefully.

Enough of that, in other news my neighbor was evicted last week. Shame, because I liked the dude. Friendly guy, and we chatted quite a few times when I'd run into him while he's outside smoking a cig. Seems his wife took off a couple months back, and he couldn't swing the rent by himself. Oh well, I just hope the next tenants in that apartment are cool.

Hmm... seems like the CSI:Miami tonight is not the new episode that the guide says it's supposed to be. If I recall, last week was also wrong. But I'm thinking that this is what was supposed to be on last week, because I don't think it was a repeat like last week.

Back to vacation, I need to arrange my car service to SFO for Saturday morning. I've been using All Cities Limo for a while now. I definitely recommend them. So far great service, and always professional and on time.

One last thing before I call this a post. Reagan now has Skype, and it was nice to have a video chat with my daughter Friday evening.

Back to the last half of CSI:Miami, then time to hit the sack and visit with the Sandman.